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Namco Ridge Racer Xbox 360The biggest surprise out of this lineup is a Ridge Racer game straight for launch.  This game was scheduled for a much later 2006 release.  I wonder if the game is ahead of schedule or if this is a rush job on Namco’s part.  For a full list of 2005 Namco games on all platforms, click below.

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Apple OS X PS3An article on the UK’s Sony website mentions the fact that although the jury is still out on what OS the upcoming PS3 will use, the Cell Processor is powerful enough to handle either a Linux-based environment or “Apple’s Tiger.”  The article’s mention of Apple’s OS X has only fueled the fire of fans dying to see Apple strike a partnership with Sony, solidifying an iconic and powerful team to go up against Microsoft’s Xbox 360.  Whether or not the Apple OS is the right fit for Sony is yet to be seen, but I’m certainly interested in seeing Apple and Microsoft have yet another arena in which to duke it out. 

Read More | Sony.co.uk

Playstation 3 2007 Launch?

In a recent memo, an analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities, Michael Pachter, has taken a look a the upcoming next-generation console wars, the vitality of the current generation, and rumored plans to fiddle with console prices as a sign that Sony might want to wait until 2007 to launch the PS3.  Much of the theory hinges on how effective a drop in the price of the PS2 to $99 would be in offsetting the success of the Xbox 360 launch.  If the sales of the Xbox 360 are somehow diminished by this price maneuvering, Sony may be wiser to hold of the release of its next-gen console until it has reaped the weakened Xbox’s benefits.  However, if the Xbox does hit in a powerful way, Pachter recommends a retaliation in the form of the PS3 coming as quickly as Sony can manage it.  Following this line of thinking, and although it may seem counterintuitive, fans interested in seeing the PS3 enter the market as soon as possible should hope for an extremely strong Xbox 360 launch.

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PS3 2x Blu-RayAlthough no official word has come from Sony in either direction, it has become clear that it will be possible for the next-generation Playstation to come packaged with a 2x Blu-ray drive rather than a 1x, as was previously expected.  With the target release date of the PS3 being the spring of 2006, there may be plenty of time for Sony to integrate a 2x drive, which will become available in the late fall of this year.  With Sony backing the Blu-ray over either the now-standard DVD (which Microsoft plans to use for Xbox 360) or the upcoming HD-DVD, it seems to fit their PS3 mantra to use the most cutting-edge technology at launch.  In fact, it could be seen as a very weak move to release the PS3 with a 1x drive, when drives at least twice as fast will be available.
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Xbox 360 Price The rumor mill is at it again, this time from sources at Wal-Mart.  The claim is that the Xbox 360 will sell for $299, with the games retailing for $59.99. They also say that the system will launch on November 4. This is a good and bad thing for all of us gamers.  If the system ends up selling for $299, Microsoft will have a significant price advantage over Sony’s PS3 $399 price point.  Now the downside is that the games would cost an extra $10 per game which is kind of rough considering many gamers are teens and kids without a source of income.  Let us know what you think!

According to the website totalvideogames.com, anonymous sources at the nation’s largest retailer Wal-Mart are claiming that the Xbox 360 is slated to launch on November 4, 2005 for the price of $299.99. If true, that price point is what the majority of industry analysts were expecting from Microsoft.

Read More | GameDaily

Xbox 360 Faceplate

This is a pretty cool photo show on Flickr – The Xbox 360 Faceplates Pool. Twenty-one pages of images of would be faceplates for the upcoming box. Some of them are so good that I wish they are actually real or can be printed from a high quality printer to stick it on the actual product when it ships. Have an image of your own? Show it off on the comments.

Read More | Flickr Xbox 360 Faceplate Show

Gears Of WarG4 has an interview with the lead designer of Gears of War, along with in game footage. That’s right, the footage shown is of the game being played on the Xbox 360 and not on some desktop with “similar” hardware. According to the FAQs in the interview, the video shown at E3 was just the graphics unveiling of the game. This video just gets me even more hyped up about the impeding launch of the Xbox 360 and anxious to see what the PS3 and the Revolution can do.

Read More | TeamXbox

PS2Microsoft plans to be king of the consoles by launching their Xbox 360 this holiday season, but this could be easier said then done. Even though the PS3 is not due out until next year, Sony is pulling all the stops to foil Microsoft’s plans for dominance. According to one source, Sony is planning to make a price cut on their slim PS2, bringing it $100, in order to battle Microsoft’s Xbox 360. A very brave move since the consumer will know that what they are buying is essentially an out dated system. Nonetheless, Sony will not go down without trying to do some damage. This is shaping to be a highly competitive holiday season with one clear winner – retail stores.

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Xbox 360The apparent rumor floating around that Bill Gates had said future Xbox 360s would pack HD-DVD drives is unfounded. All signs point to Microsoft adopting HD-DVD over Blu-Ray, however, Gates has not said anything to confirm that. The original quote that was chopped up and re-arranged in such a way as to spur this rumor was the following:

“The initial shipments of Xbox 360 will be based on today’s DVD format,” Gates said. “We are looking at whether future versions of Xbox 360 will incorporate an additional capability of an HD DVD player or something else.”

One thing is for sure, next gen DVD support will happen in the Xbox 360, however, just which one or how they’ll go about it is yet to be revealed.

Read More | arsTechnica

QWERTY Xbox 360Someone has snapped some camera phone pictures of a Spanish language presentation from Microsoft which featured a controller for theXbox 360 which appeared to have a full QWERTY thumb board nestled between the main game controls. Of course the rumor mill is flying about this, but the potential for online communication and game control (particularly for MMORPG’s) is limitless if you add a feature like this to the Xbox 360. Let’s hope this is a planned product and not just some marketing guys “what-if” prototype.

Read More | GamersReports via Joystiq
